Digital storytelling, video content,
website and creative Jack-of-all-trades.
To the point

Video Content
Website Magic
Digital Storytelling
Marketing Enthusiast
Video Content
Website Magic
Digital Storytelling
Marketing Enthusiast
A wise man once said:
"Great products remain unseen when their story isn't shared"
- Kenzo Krijgsman

I want a new website
I need video content
Digital Storytelling
Brainstorm session
I want to grow
SOS social media
I'm passionate about brands, products and how they find the right connections with their customers or audience. Every project I do unleashes an ADHD enthusiasm, hyper creativity and a human-to-human approach.
To the point
No unrealistic time frames from me. Expect a straight honest answer at all times, with a whiff of subtle sarcasm and humour. Getting the full 'Kenzo experience' only works if we have a match. Your time is valuable, and so is mine.
Creating video content is a passion, building websites is a hobby, brainstorming about your brand is motivating. I want to create your nex... wait a minute, hold it. You see? This is me being way too excited already. Let's start by connecting with each other and we'll see from there!

